Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Volume 2 has arrived!
It truly takes a village to complete a project of this size and much gratitude is owed to Dialogues’ 2020 editorial team who stood with me along the way. First, to Dr. Annie St. John-Stark, who continues to be a source of direction, wisdom, and energy behind our team. Next, my student editorial team who committed to this journey with me: Joe Flanagan, Miranda Fish, and Tristan Muhr. Thank you for immersing yourself in this project with such care, thoughtfulness, and much laughter! Additional recognition goes to Jimmy Latin. He served on the editorial board for several months and has now transferred to Concordia University. All the best in Montreal, Jimmy. Thank you to Annie, Joe, Miranda, Tristan, and Jimmy for carving out time to make weekly meetings. It has been my experience in life that sometimes showing up is the hardest part. Thank you for showing up for me and for the students whose work is published in Dialogues. Thank you for having patience with me and holding space for me to be Editor in Chief. I continue to grow and evolve as a leader through this process. Sufficient thanks must also be extended to faculty who already have and who will provide a review for Dialogues Volume 2. We appreciate your ongoing support. We have taken a new approach to editing and publication for this Volume. Rather than having a large batch of papers to upload all at once, we took each paper through the editing process one-by-one and will be publishing papers to Volume 2 as they are ready. Readers can expect new papers uploaded regularly through the end of January. We hope this will encourage consistent engagement with the journal and it has improved our workflow as editors. Working on a project such as Dialogues comes with constant and unexpected challenges. Dialogues continues to be a learning experience from which we will grow and use to improve the journal for next year. Our current editors not only continue to work on submissions, but also on composing and revising editorial policies. The journal's title speaks to these sentiments: we aim to create an ongoing dialogue with editors, students, faculty, and readers.
We look forward to the 2020 TRU Philosophy, History, and Politics Conference and to receiving submissions from the next fantastic group of students.
Abby Dunlop
Dialogues Editor in Chief
Abby Dunlop Editor in Chief
Miranda Fish
Joe Flanagan
Tristan Muhr
Dr. Anne St. John-Stark Faculty Advisor